Sunday, March 27, 2011


Ohh-la-la! An Asgardian sorceress who's biggest super power is sex appeal. Meow.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Definitely not her modern look, but it's always been my favorite. She didn't have her powers most of the time she looked like this, so I guess she had to look badass.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Red Shirt

Sucks to be you pal. I wonder if they get these guys from orphanages? I guess sending e-mails on their iPads at Starfleet is a lot easier than writing notification letters.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

If It Bleeds...We Can Kill It.

I forget how awesome growing up in the 80s was. A golden age of action movies! And none were complete without snappy patter. The most ridiculous part of this movie (that I love!) is in the beginning when Dutch and Dillon clench hands in a brotherly embrace! Highlighted by their enormous sweaty biceps these guys look like G.I. Superheroes!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Nitro Triceratops!

Hunter and I have bandied the idea of starting a t-shirt company about. This is one of my very early ideas for a shirt. I rather like its inventiveness. Could use some cleanup on the triceratops I think. But it's suitably wacky, fun, and colorful.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Another Contest

This t-shirt was for a martial arts apparel company. They wanted a gladiator theme. But judging by winning shirt (and most of the submissions) they were looking for something that looks like all the other MMA shirts. Anyway, I used a variety of brushes and textures on this piece. Tried some layer blending that I've never used before. Pretty happy with the result.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Cutter

What a naughty elf! Blood magic is bad! I used some textures to create a bit more of an organic feel. The coloring itself came out pretty well, I'd say.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

One-Liner in Hell!

I'm a big fan of Hellboy. He's got such a distinctive visual and a great shape. And so stylized! He was a really easy one-line doodle.