Sunday, October 17, 2010

Elves are Easy

Draw a relatively attractive person and add some pointy ears. Voila! Elf. Of course adding a plant motif to them can help. And again I'm working on some near-abstracts that fit the theme and color.

Monday, October 11, 2010

No Doodle for You!

Okay, this is kind of a mess. But I wanted to splash all of this stuff up here that I could. Drawing isn't my only claim to fame. Sure, there's no fame either. However I do get the chance to design point of sale items from time to time. These are actually fairly old. But some of them are still kept in stock at the Press.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Battle on Star Road

This is a pretty old drawing. As is often the case I took it as a chance to create some nonsensical background for the action. I don't think this one is as bad as the rest of them. But all in all I think it's a pretty successful piece.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Mega Man Saturday

Why, you ask? Why not, I say! Sure, these are pretty rough drawings. And that second one has some pretty questionable use of color. (Gag!)

Mega Man was one of the early Nintendo games that reignited my love of video games after the slow death of Atari 2600. Now to be clear, I've never played Mega Man 1. I began with MM2 and played several of the subsequent games.

Mega Man 2 is one of my all time favorite games. What's not to like? Not only are you a little blue robot running around shooting a ridiculous amount of other robots built to reflect the themes of very specific stages, but you get to steal the unique powers of the bosses! Imagine using Flash Man's powers to stop time! Bubble Man's metal bubble attack! (Make sense of that, I dare you.) Or Metal Man's high speed buzzsaws! Plus Heat Man even LOOKS like a lighter!